Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things Amy Pond Has Ever Done

3. The Angels Take Manhattan - Risking Time And Space For Her Husband

Doctor Who Amy Pond

Amy and Rory's departure from the show comes in the form of a clash with the Weeping Angels, in the Series 7A finale. This is maybe an incredibly sweet moment, but was also potentially catastrophic...

After already having thrown themselves off a block of flats to crash a timeline in which Rory is previously got by the Angels, the couple reawaken in a graveyard along with the Doctor, River and the TARDIS. But this graveyard has popped up in the episode before, and we're left to wonder its significance, well here it comes.

When the team wanders back into the TARDIS, Rory spots a gravestone with the same name as him. ZAP. An Angel gets him, and once again he's sent back in time, to the horror of his wife. Asking if once again they can go back in the TARDIS and collect him, but apparently another such trip would rip the universe in half. Thinking there is room on the gravestone for another name, Amy decides to make what could be considered an ultimate sacrifice.

After the various escapades of the episode, creating paradoxes to stop the angels, Amy decides to create a fixed point in time, by letting the angel touch her too and find herself in the same time as her dear husband. Taking time and space into her own hands for the man she loves does seem very much in Amy's character, whether it is the wrong thing or not. Either way, it's a moment that really breaks the Eleventh Doctor.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe