Doctor Who: 11 Best Clara Oswin Oswald Moments Of Awesome

2. Attacks A Cyberman With A Mace

with a mace There€™s a Cyberman coming at her, looking forward to eating her brain. It€™s killed people before her eyes, has proved so dangerous planets are destroyed just to kill one, and has just survived electrocution and gun blasts. But all Clara€™s got is a mace, so a mace she swings. It doesn€™t work, but still€”she attacked a Cyberman with a mace! Who does that, why would anyone do that! When stuck with inferior equipment, be it a punishment platoon or a Doctor tied to a chair, Clara compartmentalized her reaction to her kids' comas, focused, and radiated confidence. She did a really good job of not letting anyone see how much trouble they were all in. Still, a mace! It€™s the maddest act of Doctor Who violence since Amy clubbed Eleven with a cricket bat.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at