Doctor Who: 11 Best Clara Oswin Oswald Moments Of Awesome

8. "The most important leaf in human history."

rings of akhaten It€™s a monster the size of a planet. Clara€™s been lucky enough to obey her instinct to €œleg it,€ and could run and keep running. But for Clara, coming to find a person you care about is the most important act of love. She cares about the Doctor, and hell if she€™s going to let a monster the size of a planet scare her off. Also she learned to ride that space moped really fast€”talk about a quick learner! If Clara hadn€™t been there, everyone would have been in a lot of trouble. Clara was able to figure out how to defeat the monster, was able to offer the story she carried with her to sate its appetite. Even the Doctor couldn't figure out how to beat it, but Clara gave it unlived days. And the way she murmurs €œand these are my Mum€™s€ makes me tear up every time.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at