Doctor Who: 11 Companions We'd Want To Be Friends With

9. Rory Williams, 11th Doctor's Companion (The Last Centurion)

Rory Williams The one who died and came back to life several times, waited 2,000 years for Amy, and each moment he could showed how much he loved Amy. He was so loyal to her and proved to be loyal to The Doctor as well. He was insecure, but as his run on the show continued he became a stronger person and showed maturity. He's one of those guys who'd most likely be the fun one of a group of, quirky and awkward. His loyalty to his wife Amy is one of the reasons why he'd make such a great friend. You know you'll have a friend in him forever.
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Karin Abcarians is a writer, journalist and hardcore Lakers fan. She's in a lot of fandoms. She's a movie buff and book worm. She's Christopher Nolan's biggest fan.