Doctor Who: 11 Utterly Bizarre Toys & Merch You Probably Missed

8. Destroyed Lady Cassandra Figure


The modern Doctor Who action figure line has generally managed not to make such massive blinding errors as the Dapol range, and it well and truly puts that line to shame. However, it has not been immune to the odd baffling choice, which given the last entry we shall call €˜Melkur Syndrome€™. Now you can own such as Peter the Winder from €˜The Beast Below€™, Grandma Connolly from €˜The Idiot€™s Lantern€™, the Roman that never appeared in €˜The Fires of Pompeii€™ and stone versions of a Roman, Dalek and Cyberman from €˜The Big Bang€™ - all legendary characters and in fairness I can€™t fault them because they are made to such a high standard that I collect them myself. But one release was so pointless and bizarre I find it unforgivable: Lady Cassandra, the last human featured in €˜The End of the World€™ and €˜New Earth€™. Variations were released of both shortly after the respective appearances: the original Cassandra was fine, nit in €˜New Earth€™ however, the skin trampoline Cassandra only appears for less than two minutes before taking over Rose€™s body after which her skin dissolves and her brain in a jar dies, leaving an empty, rusty, frame. They released this as a figure - yes, an empty, rusty, frame can take pride of place in your Doctor Who collection - and what€™s more, they completely re-sculpted the frame for it. Needless to say, I skipped this one, but then it was re-released with Chip, Cassandra€™s faithful and forgettable surgeon. I skipped that one too.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.