I think it's safe to assume everyone reading this loves, or at least appreciates, Doctor Who, and rightly so; the show has the strangest mix of science fiction, humor, drama, suspense, and outright quirkiness that we've ever seen, and the recipe makes for a compelling flavour. That goes some way to explain Who's success, as well as its staggering 50-year run (off and on of course) It frequently throws at us iconic villains and lovable companions; season premieres that leave us scratching our heads and finales that can sometimes leave us in tears. However, as often as this show produces amazing and memorable episodes, it can also create a small handful of utterly dreadful, forgettable ones. So in honor of these much-hated, sometimes overlooked stories, we've put together a list of 11 of the very worst of them. Behold, the worst story from each Doctor, beginning, somewhat typically, with William Hartnell....