Doctor Who: 12 Great Big Finish Stories You Have To Listen To

1. The Light At The End

With the advanced ages of the classic Doctors being a bar to their appearance in the 50th special The Day of the Doctor, Big Finish realised that, on audio, a team up of the old Doctors was simplicity itself. Written by exec-producer (and Dalek voice artist) Nick Briggs, The Light At The End gives fans the range's own Five Doctors. The Master has set a terrible trap for the Doctor which risks ending his life in all its incarnations. Somehow this is all connected to the life of an ordinary man called Bob Dovie in his ordinary suburban home.

These multi-Doctor tales can be tricky with Big Finish making a bit of a hash with previous ones such as The Sirens of Time and Zagreus. However, Briggs gives us a decent enough tale that allows each of the Big Finish Docs their moment of charm. Of particular note is the great chemistry between Tom Baker and Paul McGann's Doctors while William Russell, Frazer Hines and Tim Trelor do reasonable impersonations of the sadly missed first three Doctors so all the Time Lord's selves are represented while 15 companions put in a cameo.

If a reader of this article hasn't yet listened to a Big Finish audio and would like to start, may of the titles outlined in this article (bar To The Death) would make a good starting point. At their best, these stories often match or even surpass their TV counterparts and are well worth checking out. Get listening!

What did you think of this list? Are there any other Big Finish adventures that should've been included? Leave your recommendations in the comments section below.

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Writer of The Blog of Delights, a review site covering film, TV, cult TV, books and audio. Fan of Dr Who, Bond, X-Men and Marvel. Also the writer of e-book 'Fictional Legends: Doctor Who - the TV Adventures' for Collca.