Doctor Who: 12 NuWho Characters Who Should've Been Companions

3. Osgood

Poor Osgood. She first appeared in the 50th anniversary special and her fannish aspects - even dressing up as the Doctor whenever she appears - made her an immediate hit with a number of viewers. Not only that, she was intelligent and resourceful, managing on her own to fend off a Zygon (even if she was calling for the Doctor to save her just before her). It seemed like she would be at least a recurring character for a long time, even if she didn't make full companion, given her role with UNIT and strong working relationship wiht Kate Stewart. Then Missy happened. Osgood managed to impress the Doctor with her observation skills, correctly deducing Missy's identity. This led the Doctor to offer her the chance to travel in space and time once the Cybermen crisis was over. However, leaving anyone alone (well, she might has well have been - those UNIT guards were useless!) with a maniac murderous incarnation of the Master is probably a mistake and it proved fatal for Osgood, preventing her from becoming a new companion. However, that still might not be it for Osgood. There have been theories that she might show up again as the Zygon duplicate from The Day of the Doctor, though this is unlikely as Zygons need a living organism to copy to maintain their shape. More likely are theories that the Zygon Osgood was the one that died, focused on Missy's comment that Osgood didn't smell that bad in Death in Heaven. Her return isn't completely out of the question, so she still could become a companion. For now, however, Osgood is a goner.
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Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.