Doctor Who: 12 NuWho Characters Who Should've Been Companions

1. Sally Sparrow

Ask a Whovian which character should return to be the next companion, and Sally Sparrow's name will come up more often than not. The character was the main focus of Series 3's instant classic Blink and carries the episode along in the absence of the usual lead. It doesn't hurt that Carey Mulligan brings all of her charm to proceedings, either. Sally would probably make quite a good companion. She's brave, intelligent, inquisitive - all aspects that the Time Lord values in his friends. However, they only met the once - the video feed conversation notwithstanding - as Sally gave him the folder that would complete the episode's central time loop and defeat the Weeping Angels. As he was on the way to prevent another alien incursion... so there wasn't really time to chat. Her overall attitude to the Doctor is lukewarm at best, too. He's more a nuisance or a mystery than a saviour - so its unclear just how she'd react to a full-time offer to travel. There's also the issue of Carey Mulligan's rather impressive film career, so as much as fans want it, it doesn't look like Sally Sparrow will be returning any time soon. What did you think of this list? Are there any other NuWho characters that should've been companions? Leave your sidekick suggestions in the comments section below.
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Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.