Doctor Who: 12 NuWho Characters Who Should've Been Companions

9. Rita

The Doctor also took a shine to Rita when they met in the mysterious hotel in the Series 6 episode The God Complex. Eleven seemed immediately impressed by Rita's intelligence and resourcefulness - even joking about sacking Amy. Rita accompanied him throughout a large deal of his investigation during the episode, so it's quite easy to see how she'd have fitted into the companion role. In fact, given that Amy and Rory leave the TARDIS at the end of the episode (albeit temporarily, as it isn't long before they come back again), Rita might have had a better opportunity than any if things had turned out differently. After all, storywise there was a vacancy for a character to fill even if in real life the actors weren't going anywhere. However, she was killed by the minotaur-creature after it exploited her faith to feed upon her before fans got to see if the Doctor would invite her along on his travels. Not the first or the last death on this list, but still a tragic end for Rita.
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Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.