Doctor Who: 14 Cool Details Revealed In Steven Moffat's Eleventh Hour Commentary

13. Moffat Wanted Amelia's House To Be "Spooky But Ordinary"

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond the Doctor Matt Smith Karen Gillan

We first see Amelia Pond's house right after the title sequence, and while it looks like a normal enough building, there's also something quite... off about it.

It looks mysterious and majestic, and even a little sinister, almost like it's hiding lots of dark secrets - which, as we learn throughout the episode (and the series), it is.

To put it another way, it fits in perfectly with Series 5's "fairytale with an edge" vibe, and right from the scripting stage, Moffat had a clear vision of what he wanted Amelia's house to look and feel like.

During the commentary, he mentions that he wanted it to be "spooky but ordinary" while also looking "a little bit like a castle, a little bit spooky, a little bit haunted, but still a believable house for a person to live in."

And that's exactly what we got. Kudos to the location scouts.

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