Doctor Who: 15 Cool Details Peter Harness Just Revealed About The Zygon Invasion

5. Originally, The Zygons Completely Took Over The UK

Doctor Who The Zygon Invasion Peter Capaldi Clara Oswald Jenna Coleman
BBC/Twitter: @mrpeterharness

While the situation at the start of The Zygon Inversion is certainly dire from humanity's point of view, it was nearly a lot, lot worse.

The original plan was to have the Zygons be in complete command of the UK at the beginning of this episode. Harness even shared an idea from this version of the story, which would have shown a news reader turn into a Zygon live on air.

As things stand, the Zygons are gradually starting to take control of the UK at the start of the episode, rather than having full control of it already.

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