Doctor Who: 20 Things You Didn't Know About The Ninth Doctor

12. Eccleston's Alternate Haircut

Doctor Who the Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston

As previously mentioned, the Ninth Doctor didn't really have much flair when it came to his looks. He wore simple clothes with simple colours and a simple, short haircut, far removed by the sticky-uppy madness of Tennant, or the thick curls of Pertwee.

That being said, we do get a glimpse of him with longer hair - and when we say "glimpse", we really do mean it, because it's a difficult one to spot.

Towards the end of Aliens Of London, the Doctor is handed an ID badge that eventually turns out to be a weapon of the Slitheen. If you look closely at this badge, you can just about make out an image of the Doctor, and his hair is significantly longer here than it is throughout the entirety of his series.

In reality, this is probably just one of Eccleston's headshots, but it's more fun to imagine that the Ninth Doctor experimented with his hair length at some point.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.