Doctor Who: 5 Actresses Who Could Play The 12th Doctor

3. Catherine Zeta-Jones

catherine.zeta.jones In 2008, with the news that David Tennant would be stepping down as the Doctor, many a name was bandied around as the next in line to take on the role. Amidst the speculation came rumor that Catherine Zeta-Jones was to become the eleventh Doctor. And given that former show-runner Russell T. Davies had at the time expressed his support for the casting, it seemed to be as good as done. Though these obviously proved to be untrue, I think she would definitely make an excellent twelfth. Zeta-Jones has an inner intensity that would add an explosive touch to the Doctor€™s personality. You get the sense that she is someone you don€™t want to cross, someone who, while generally good-natured, can switch to vindictive and wrathful the second you get on her bad side. In short, she reminds me of David Tennant, which is never a bad thing.

Introverted extrovert, aspiring author and professional Dorkasaurus. When I'm not writing I can be found skateboarding, reading, or writing. I may or may not carry a Sonic Screwdriver with me at all times.