Doctor Who: 5 Best & 5 Worst Creature Designs From The Original Series

Worst Creature no. 1: Erato (The Creature From The Pit)

Erato Some of you may have seen this one coming (from a long way off I'd imagine, considering he doesn't move that fast and glows in the dark). Erato is a Tythonian, which is a race of amorphousgreen blobs who ingest chlorophyll to stay alive. That's all well and good- you don't see many nice blobby green monsters- but just take a look at it. What is that strangely familiar-looking thing poking out from the front of it? Is it a... yes. Yes it is. I'm not going to blame the designers for this because I know the difficulties they had whilst making it: the show's budget had practically run out and they had only a limited time to construct it. All the same it does look pretty crap, and Tom Baker's attempt to shake its "hand" makes me cringe every time. It's saddening because it's slip-ups like these that bring the show down and make casual viewers sneer and shake their heads disdainfully. The sets don't even wobble that much; all it takes is a few incidents like this to bring everyone's opinion down. But this is only one out of hundreds of monsters, and one thing I will say about this remarkable show: DoctorWho can never be criticised for not trying hard enough. Okay so you get blobby green monsters from time to time, but they're monsters with personality, with imagination put behind them. Erato is a Tythonian ambassador, don't you know! And he's come to this planet to offer a business arrangement! Who else would come up with that? Exactly.
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Second-year college student from Leicester, UK. I'm a big fan of Doctor Who, and have written a few fictions for the net in the past. I'm currently working on building up a portfolio in preparation to apply for a writing degree at university next year.