Doctor Who: 5 Best Uses Of Classic Monsters In NuWho

3. The Zygons - The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion

Doctor Who The Zygon Invasion

Appearing in only a single story, Terror of The Zygons, in Classic Who, the shape-shifting alien Zygons made their first NuWho return in Day of The Doctor. However, it is their appearance in the later two-part Twelfth Doctor story, The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion, is where these monsters truly shine.

Since the events of Day of The Doctor, Zygons have lived a peaceful life on Earth posing as humans. Unfortunately, issues arise when younger generations of Zygons become sick of hiding their true selves, beginning an uprising and almost shattering the peace between humans and Zygons. The Doctor must team up with the surviving Osgood, never knowing whether she is Human or Zygon, in order to prevent the two races from going to war.

Aside from The Twelfth Doctor's now iconic anti-war speech, the story makes great use of Zygon paranoia throughout. It is remembered as one of the best classic monster stories in NuWho, as well as one of the greatest stories of the Twelfth Doctor era.

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