1. The Eighth Doctor

Though Eight has received a thorough fleshing out in the audios and novels of the expanded universe, after the middling 1996 attempt at a revival of the series, his only on-screen turn as the Doctor was far too short. Paul McGann has been a wonderful attendee of cons all over the world and unlike his successor, is happy to return to the series isnt it time we saw him on our screens again? Imagine an episode where he goes toe-to-toe with the Eleventh Doctor, perhaps a full-length time crash where they switch companions and TARDISes and have to get back to each other and find out who switched them around. Wed see the hope and naivety of an Eight before the Time War coupled with the cynicism and darkening of the Eleventh after that unspeakable trauma. Or what about the Eighth Doctor bursting onto the scene directly after the destruction of Gallifrey, bringing the devastation of the Time War back to our screens in a very literal way no more vaguely grand references to the Could Have Been King and the Nightmare Child, but the most hopeful, childlike Doctor of them all appearing as a war-weary, burnt-out veteran. It would also shed some more light on when and where he regenerated into the Ninth Doctor. Paul McGann has already expressed an interest in hopping into the TARDIS again, and he unfortunately missed his chance with the upcoming 50th Anniversary special. So come on, give Eight a chance. What characters would you like to see return even just for a couple of lines?