Doctor Who: 5 Classic Universal Monsters The Doctor Has Faced

3. Werewolves

Doctor Who Werewolf The first werewolf-like creature in Doctor Who to resemble the 1941 Universal monster "The Wolf Man" was the Lukoser. The Lukoser was a wolf-like creature which appeared in "The Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp" - a Sixth Doctor adventure - and was otherwise known as Dorf, a former assistant of the Krontep warrior king Yrcanos. Dorf had been experimented on by the bio-scientist Crozier. He was shot and killed by a guard of the Mentors - a race of amphibious capitalists. In "The Greatest Show in the Galaxy", the Seventh Doctor found himself captured in to the Psychic Circus ring where he was expected to perform in a talent show to save his own life. He was caged with a woman called Mags, who he had met earlier in the story, and she would reveal herself to be a werewolf and they would work together to escape. The Doctor ultimately convinced her that she could control her feral instincts. The most explicit use of werewolves in Doctor Who came in the Tenth Doctor's adventure "Tooth and Claw". In the episode, the Doctor and his companion Rose found themselves in 1879 Scotland where they would save Queen Victoria herself from a werewolf attack (or, to be precise, a werewolf-like alien which the Doctor called a Lupine-Wavelength-Haemovariform, which is pictured above). However, it was hinted at that Victoria wasn't actually saved from being infected by it - the suggestion being that even the present day monarchy might have inherited lycanthropy (the ability to assume the form of a werewolf). On a slightly related note, in the "Battlefield" story which featured the Seventh Doctor, the organisation known as the Unified Intelligence Taskforce (or UNIT for short) - a United Nations military organisation used to investigate and combat paranormal and extraterrestrial threats to the Earth - were revealed to carry around silver bullets in their arsenal, presumably to ensure they were prepared for the possibility of encountering werewolves.
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