Doctor Who: 5 Lost Episodes We Wish Were Found

1. The Ice Warriors (Second Doctor, Season 5 - Story 39)

doctorwhotroughton2 Only two episodes in this serial are missing, but since the eponymous enemies from this Second Doctor adventure are returning in the current season of Doctor Who, It's only fitting. In this episode, the Doctor and his companions, Jamie McCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield (Frazer Hines and Deborah Watling, respectively) travel to a future Britain, where scientists are using "ionizers" to keep glaciers from swallowing the island whole and bring on a new ice age. One of the scientists finds an armored man in the ice that, once thawed, knocks Jamie out and takes Victoria hostage. The alien, identifying itself as Varga from Mars, tells Victoria that its ship is buried under the ice, filled with soldiers, and that it plans to invade the struggling planet. After a long back-and-forth skirmish, the Ice Warriors are defeated, the glacier of doom is melted, and the Doctor and his companions slip away back into the time vortex. All information on the missing Doctor Who episodes can be found here. All images from the BBC.What missing episode from Classic Who should be on this list? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Trevor Hultner is a freelance journalist living in Oklahoma City. He likes to write about politics and Doctor Who (and sometimes, how the two mix). When he isn't writing or working a day job, he has a weekly news and politics podcast called Smash Walls Radio.