Doctor Who: 5 Reasons Clara Should Stay (And 5 Reasons She Shouldn't)

10. Familiarity

As mentioned, Clara Oswald was introduced not once, not twice but three times during the Eleventh Doctor's tenure. The first time she wasn't even his full time companion but still sacrificed herself to save him from his greatest enemy, the Daleks (and was even turned into one herself in the process - poor, poor Oswin!). Next, she then showed a moping Doctor in Victorian England, shortly after he lost Amy and Rory to the Weeping Angels, that the universe still needed defending. This version also perished and the final(?) time they met, this time in present day London, Clara finally became the Doctor's travelling companion. Well, she'd waited long enough! To date she has been a TARDIS resident for the equivalent of two series, being one of two NuWho companions - Rose Tyler being the first - to venture with two different incarnations of the Doctor. As such, she has learned to deal with, and ultimately accept, many nuances of the Doctor, even ones that differ depending on which regeneration she happens to be "controlling". Throughout this year's series she did a fine job of keeping Peter Capaldi's darker Twelfth Doctor grounded and it's implied that he was generally less destructive than he would've been had she not been around. Clara is also one of the few companions that can flat out lie to the Doctor and end up getting away with it. That level of companionship is not easy to come by.

I am an avid fan of Doctor Who, Video Games and WWE Wrestling who is a 12 year medically retired veteran of the U.S. Air Force. I've been married for 14 years with two children, 10 and 8. As a stay at home father, I find myself with copious amounts of free time and have taken to writing as a way to give me something to do. I currently reside near Kansas City, Missouri in the United States but am originally from Chicago, Illinois.