Doctor Who: 5 Reasons Matt Smith Should Regenerate Into John Hurt As 12th Doctor

3. The Storyline That Such A Thing Suggests...

Storyline OK, Just imagine this with me.. The Doctor regenerates and becomes evil. Bad things happen. And we spend the next three series watching The Doctor slowly learn how to be good again. Which means we get three series of watching The Doctor make choices that we've never seen him make before. See him do the things that we know The Doctor would never do, and then see him gradually learn again why they're wrong. It would be like (to use a contentious example) the Spike years on Buffy, watching him go from evil, to finding a reason to try to be better, to struggling to become a better person. Supposing he got Clara killed in his first evil scheme out? After the lifetime(s) she's spent saving him again and again. And supposing his first response was that he didn't care, only to have it eat at him for years until he finally redeems himself in her name? THAT would be some compelling television.

Mikey is, in no particular order, a freelance writer, improvisational comedian, volunteer firefighter, playwright, Bon Vivant, and Jane Espenson enthusiast. Born in the small mining town of Eden Prairie, MN, he has some 40 years later successfully moved about 20 miles north of there to the City of Brooklyn Center, MN where he lives with an unreasonable number of dogs. If you'd like to hear him discuss something other than Doctor Who while pretending to be a dog, check out or follow him on twitter at @the42ndVizlsa