Doctor Who: 5 Reasons To Remember The Dalek Invasion Of Earth

4. The Daleks Return With The Robomen

Dalek in Thames Of course to most fans the importance of this story is in the title eventually used for transmission (it has also been known as The Invaders and even World's End on the novelisation); this is the second story for the Daleks! In the history of Doctor Who so far there are few, if any, scenes as iconic as the one in which we first see a Dalek rising out from the murky waters of the Thames. Despite knowing that the Daleks were to appear they still send chills down the spine when they first appear and seeing their alien outline against the familiar landscape of London only adds to the effect. Let us now overlook the poor Robomen which could have been really sinister but to a large extent fail leaving us to wait for Asylum of the Daleks for a truly frightening slave for the Daleks.
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Freelance writer and fan of Doctor Who, Hawkwind and Reading FC. I like technology and have been blogging for several years. An eclectic mix, perhaps, but one that means ! am not !easy to pin down into one category! I also blog about Doctor Who at