Doctor Who: 5 Reasons We Love Clara (And 5 Reasons We Don't)

1. (A Bit Too) Mysterious


The hype of all these who is Clara Oswald theories all over the internet and among fan sites, have now started to cloud the real things happening on each episode. The main thing that viewers now look for are clues of who she might be and that is somewhat taking attention away from the otherwise awesome new episodes. With the whole River Song mystery, the Ponds and the Doctor get to be parts of awesome stories in between no-River episodes and fans aren't left wondering what may or may not be a clue as to her identity. But with Clara, every time we see her face we are prompted to wonder who she really is and oftentimes forget that that is not the main story of each episode. So however cooly mysterious the character is, it can't be helped that it takes a bit of attention out of every episode. Verdict So, as to all interesting and deservedly well-played characters out there, it can't be all black and white. Love or hate her, that's part of the story and the telling of it. And this is but a small part of the whole space-time Clara Oswald picture. Please do leave comments, violent reactions. I welcome them!

Delusional scatterbrain who loves to escape reality, usually by entering another through a parallel Universe. A Whovian, Potterhead, Sherlocked, RInger who enjoys dark solitude, with characters who've made "real" life escapable. She tries really hard to blog The Broke Pinay Follow her attempts at photography with: Photography Attempt Follow her random geeky pins on Pinterest. Maxx Obejero