Doctor Who: 5 Reasons Why The 50th Anniversary Will Disappoint

1. It's Too Much For One Man

The rest of the list has focused on what is missing and the potential threats to the past, the present, and the future of the Doctor Who franchise. While we have very few clues on what the plot itself is, we know Steven Moffat has had to make a whole host of decisions. He had to decide between the actual Tenth Doctor and the Metacrisis clone. If it is The Tenth Doctor himself then Moffat had to carefully decide where The Doctor is in his timeline. The tone will be drastically different depending on whether The Tenth Doctor and Rose both before or after Doomsday, or at different points entirely. The Eleventh Doctor is facing a complex point in his own timeline, not only due to regeneration, but because of recent events with Clara. The issue of the Great Intelligence is still lurking overhead and now there is a mysterious version of The Doctor. The special will come with a contained plot of its own. When any writer juggles all of these different elements, notwithstanding a tribute to the past fifty years, something is bound to drop. With Steven Moffat at the helm when something does not come together, it really, really falls apart. Steven Moffat prides himself on film-like Blockbuster epics, but this more than any other challenge is enmeshed in the annals of Whovian history. We can only hope he is up to the challenge of continuity this time around. I would have loved to see him bring in a team to work with him on this, bolster his weakness with some past Doctor Who writers. So there you have it. Five reasons the television special will disappoint branches of the Whovian fanbase. Find a reason I left out? Think I am too harsh on Steven Moffat? Believe John Hurt as The Doctor is the best idea ever? Whatever your thoughts, drop a note below.
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A person who thought a lot, then decided thinking with other people is more fun. If you fancy a chat, feel free to email