Doctor Who: 5 Worst And 5 Best Cybermen Stories

3. €œThe Silver Turk€

Silver-Turk-The-cover Another rare misfire by Big Finish. While not a bad story, this one does suffer quite a bit from two problems. First, it€™s trying to allow us to get to know a new companion, and not just a new one, but one from history, namely Mary Shelly. Second, it is in form and function very, very similar to the TV series episode €œDalek€, only with a Cyberman. These two things on their own might be ok, but as it stands, they just don€™t gel very well, and take what might have been an excellent story and merely make it €œmeh€. It€™s really more of just a missed opportunity than it is anything bad. On the plus side, the kick-ass new theme, which myself and about four other people liked.
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at