Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: Top 5 Ten/Eleven Clash Wish List

2. Ten-Eleven-Twelve


It is the 50th year Anniversary, and Moffatt will definitely have something mind-rattling up those sleeves. And although some confirmations by Matt Smith have been made of the Eleventh Doctor staying 'til next year and not yet regenerating into Twelve 'til then, fans shouldn't write it off just yet. It IS the 50th Anniversary and Moffatt is not above doing an Eleven-Eleven Timey-Wimey cycle of death -- remember The Impossible Astronaut? I wouldn't write off the possibility of Twelve making an appearance (in, most probably, the Fields of Tranzelore when "the question is asked", which had strongly suggested "the fall of the Eleventh"). Though episodes after that may still have Matt as the Doctor, this might only suggest of another Moffat Impossible Astronaut incident where a 200-year older Doctor "dies" and the younger one is kept in the dark, continuing his adventures oblivious of the future, yet slowly inching towards the inevitable. Though this might also mean that only future Eleven and Twelve would be aware of it, since if Ten were directly involved and present Eleven has knowledge of it, some timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly spaceman stuff might mean another Big Bang or worse another "The Wedding of River Song" time collapse. Either or however way, or in any collapsible time line, we should all expect another "MOffaaaattt!" moment.

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