Doctor Who: 6 Best River Song Moments

3. The Opening Scene Of 'The Time of Angels'

doctor who time of angelsWe had only seen River Song once before (in the Library two parter). Now we had a new Doctor, new companion, and the fourth episode in was the start of a new two parter with the triumphant return of River Song. The opening scene of The Time of Angels sums up, for me, the character of River Song perfectly. She is sleek, sexy, a femme fatale, handy with a gun and extremely quick witted. The episode opens on a man disorientated with lipstick on his face. Hallucinogenic lipstick followed by a "she's here" leads to glimpses of River, first her feet, then her gun and then one of her eyes, epitomizing the femme fatale style that she has this episode. It switches to Amy and the Doctor talking in a museum 12,000 miles later, with the Doctor keeping score in the biggest museum in the galaxy. We get our first proper look at River after her immortal catchphrase is said by the Doctor, which she carved in to a home box (sort of like a black box but this box goes home instead of just being indestructible); "Hello Sweetie". Winking at the security camera (aka the Doctor) she gives her co-ordinates, ending with "slash acorn". Seriously, her mannerisms, her style all come screaming out here. She is truly the mysterious woman. The ultra-cool, femme fatale. She is River Song bitches. She gets rescued by the Doctor, landing on top of him before saying "Follow that ship!". This is what she's is all about: adventure, mystery, intrigue and plenty of flirting. The rest of the two parter is interesting too, we find out that River is in prison, for killing the best man she's ever met, but who is he?! As River would say, spoilers...

I have recently finished my Masters thesis in media, as well as being a contributor to whatculture I also run a blog reviewing political books with a focus on Margaret Thatcher. I am a huge tv fan with my current favourites being Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, The Good Wife, Alias and Battlestar Galactica.