Doctor Who: 7 Big Questions After Series 9 Finale 'Hell Bent'

5. Is the Doctor Half-Human?

This is a question that fans have been asking for nearly twenty years now, ever since Paul McGann's Doctor dropped the bombshell that he was "half human... on my mother's side" in the 1996 TV Movie. Previously fans have waved it away as a ploy to trick the Master who he was fighting at the time. Hell Bent, however, burst the issue wide open again. When discussing the Hybrid, Me poses the theory it is the Doctor; half Time Lord, half human. "You're a high-born Gallifreyan," she says. "Why is it your spend so much time on Earth?" The Doctor mocks the theory but there is something about how Peter Capaldi plays it that suggests he is dodging the accusation. So is he really half-human? I think we can safely say this was our best chance at getting this question answered, and it looks like the argument is back in the hands of the fans.

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