6. The Romans (Story 012, 1965)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl1Q2_KpUW0 I imagine the pitch went something like this: Doctor Who does screwball comedy in ancient Rome. That is exactly what happens when the Doctor, Ian, Barbara and new companion Vicki (Maureen OBrien), all arrive back during the time of Nero. Soon Barbara and Vicki have been captured, Ian is stuck in the gladiatorial matches and the Doctor starts playing a lyre, and the next thing you know, all of Rome is aflame. This could have so easily been a dark, grim story, but the farce elements work out very well, and Derek Francis over-the-top acting as Nero is just perfect. The story even manages to almost live up to the series overall goal of teaching children about history. Just a pity they got it slightly wrong with the burning of the city.
Chris Swanson
Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at wilybadger.wordpress.com
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