Doctor Who: 7 Questions That Need Answering In The Series 12 Finale

6. What Is The Master's Role In Events?

Doctor Who Whittaker
BBC Studios

Was it just this viewer who was disappointed to see The Master turn up at the end of the last episode? While he has been a prominent role in the series arc and no doubt will provide answers in regards to the mystery of The Timeless Child, his appearance just seemed out of place with what had followed before.

The preview for the finale leads us to believe that he will explain the mystery of why he went bonkers on Gallifrey, but there are additional answers that we require. For example, how exactly did he escape from the alien dimension? Did he create the portals between worlds? And which incarnation of the Master is he? The hope is that he isn't a follow on from Missy, but rather an earlier incarnation some time before or after the Roger Delgado era. If he does succeed Missy, that just opens a whole new can of worms.

While these answers are all very important and need to be wrapped up, it would be a shame if the finale focused too much on the renegade Time Lord, rather than the other interesting plot points. Considering how much of The Master's backstory needs to be unpacked, the only way this seems possible is if he is Brendan. It would definitely create a clear link from one episode to the next and stop the finale becoming a mighty big mess.

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