Doctor Who: 7 Ways Clara Could Die

1. Some Massive Deus Ex Machina Fudge Which Means She€™s Not Actually Dead But Her Consciousness Is Floating In A Nethersphere Or A Mindspace Or A Database Or Whatever

As previously mentioned, one of the recurring themes of NuWho is that nobody ever actually dies properly anymore: Danny Pink ended up in the purgatorial Netherspace, wobbling about like Casper the Mournful Ex-Soldier; Donna had her brain explode but apparently she€™d never really relied on it that much in the first place, so she was fine; Rose got punted into another dimension; Amy Pond was allowed to die at her own pace, as, eventually, was Rory. None of them are proper bang-crash-thud-corpses-ahoy types of deaths. While Grace Holloway from the TV movie did get chucked off a balcony (a very bang-crash-thud-corpse-ahoy death if ever there was one), and Clara fell off a cloud, but they both got rebooted. Even Astrid got flung out into the stars to fulfil her dreams of travelling the universe, albeit in atomised form. It would be very apt indeed if Clara followed Danny into the Netherspace and they all lived non-corporeally ever after. (Side note: The fact that Danny Pink€™s Wikipedia entry includes the phrase €œThe initial reception to his death in €˜Dark Water€™ was positive€ makes it sounds like everybody hated him, but he was a pretty good egg, wasn€™t he? That backflip notwithstanding, of course. International Whovians should note that British army sergeants aren't generally taught how to backflip as part of their basic training.) Steven Moffat in particular gets very, very gooey about companions, and he seems very protective of Clara in particular. If she€™s going to die, you can be pretty certain that she won€™t actually die.

Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.