Doctor Who: 8 Greatest Things Russell T Davies Contributed To The Whoniverse

4. The Fall Of Gallifrey/Time War

Russell T Davies

One of the most surprising moments in early NuWho, for long-time fans, was the reveal that Gallifrey, the Doctor's home planet, had been destroyed in the Time War, a horrible conflict between the Time Lords and the Daleks.

The Doctor himself was the only survivor of the conflict... or at least believed that he was, until the eventual discovery of Dalek survivors. The reveal served the story well, particularly for new fans. There was no reason to get bogged down in Gallifreyan lore if Gallifrey was not there, and knowing it was not there kept old fans from asking questions that might have confused the newbies.

The War also explained the Doctor's more dark and sombre moments. For years, the Time War remained a mysterious event in the Doctor's past, until the events are visited in Day of the Doctor. Even then, the details are vague, but the series is perhaps better for it.

More recently, the events of the Time War have been explored in other formats, such as novels and audio dramas.

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