Doctor Who: 8 Reasons Why River Song HAS To Come Back!

2. 60th Anniversary Is The Perfect Opportunity

Doctor Who River Song

Doctor Who is no stranger to bringing back previous Doctors and companions for their anniversary specials. The 50th saw the return of David Tennant, Billie Piper and even Tom Baker, which was clearly the result of their popularity amongst fans.

With this in mind, surely the 60th anniversary is the perfect excuse to bring back Miss Melody Pond! It makes sense that there would need to be a good reason for her to return in order for it be meaningful and avoid seeming forced. Which, in fairness, may well have ended up being the result if she had made a random, one-off comeback half way through series 12… much like that anti-climactic return of Captain Jack Harkness.

Just as how the 50th special found a way to bring back ‘Rose’ that didn’t clash with her ‘trapped in an alternate universe’ storyline, there is surely an easy enough solution to bringing River back too. In fact, many feasible examples have been suggested in this list alone. Just think of all the creative ideas the actual script writers could come up with!

With Russel T. Davies in charge of the 60th special, we can only hope that he himself will want to see some old faces popping back up again too!


Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️