Doctor Who: 8 Times The Cybermen Were Scarier In Black And White

7. Revenge Of The Cybermen (1975)

Doctor Who Cybermen What need do Cybermen have for revenge if they€™re emotionless? It€™s a question no one asks in this story, mostly because the title seems to have little to do with any aspect of it at all. Tom Baker was fresh off the brilliant reinvention of the Daleks in the now-classic six-part Genesis of the Daleks, so here was a chance to bring the Cybermen into his era with style. Sadly, although the new design was creepy enough, the Cybermen themselves didn€™t feel too much of a menace and the revelation of their convenient €œallergy€ to gold was enough to seal their fates from this moment on as the easiest race to defeat in the universe - especially if you happen to be near a jewellery store. Admittedly i's not the worst Cyber story in the world but with its plodding plot and lack of originality, it's still a huge let down after the recent reinvention of the Daleks. In retrospect, it serves as a sign of how the Cybermen were about to suffer from the law of diminishing returns.
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R. M. McLean exists somewhere outside of time and space.