Doctor Who: 8 Ways To Pass The Time Until November

7. Fan Fiction/Art

doctor who usual suspects Many people may groan at the idea of fan fiction/art/short stories, but personally I love them. They're a treasure trove of ideas so wonderful and geeky they could not possibly work in the actual show, but just feels so right. And sure, not all of them are good, but hey, at the very least most of them are better than 'Victory of the Daleks'. In fact, once you get started on browsing fan works, it can be very difficult to stop. I've wasted entire days just on DeviantArt looking through fan-made Doctor Who pictures, let alone reading fanfics. Here, just one of the many many places the Internet offers where you can read some of these: "But J.D." you say "What if I want to read a crossover between Doctor Who and DuckTales?" Well I'm glad you asked, imaginary reader! Because the site has an entire page dedicated to crossovers between Doctor Who and other works! It's right here! It's truly mind-boggling the amount of stuff there is on that page. I spent fifteen minutes trying to think of the most ridiculous crossovers possible (Community? Check. Monty Python? Check! The Muppets? Check!), and the only one I didn't find was Veggie Tales. Hear that readers? Veggie Tales/Doctor Who crossover. Let's make this happen.
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Doctor Who
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Armed with a laptop, a Pepsi, and a swivel chair, J.D. sets out to uncover the deepest secrets of the film world. Or, ya know, just write random movie-related lists. Either way....