Doctor Who: 8 Ways To Pass The Time Until November

1. The Classic Series (1963-1989, 1996)

doctor who companion Seems kind of like an obvious answer, but come on, how many of you have actually watched all of the classic series? It's understandable if you haven't... for a modern viewer, the thought of watching between four and six episodes for just one story seems like a daunting task. Each of these episodes have a slower pace than NuWho, but there's a reason for that. Ever watched an episode of the revived series and thought it felt too rushed? The classic series never does. It spends more time developing an interesting story, rather than devoting most of its running time to trying to throw scary things at the screen. But where to start? With 695 episodes divided between 156 stories, where do you start watching? Well, if you're new to this, allow us to suggest two stories per Doctor that are the most easily accessible to fans of the new series. First Doctor: The Dalek Invasion of Earth (6 episodes), The Tenth Planet (4 episodes) Second Doctor: The Tomb of the Cybermen (4 episodes), The Mind Robber (4 episodes) Third Doctor: Inferno (7 episodes), Carnival of Monsters (4 episodes) Fourth Doctor: Genesis of the Daleks (6 episodes), The Robots of Death (4 episodes) Fifth Doctor: Earthshock (4 episodes), The Caves of Androzani (4 episodes) Sixth Doctor: Revelation of the Daleks (2 episodes), Vengeance on Varos (2 episodes) Seventh Doctor: Remembrance of the Daleks (4 episodes), Ghost Light (3 episodes) Eighth Doctor: Doctor Who - The Movie If you haven't yet watched the classic series, we really hope this can help you to begin watching it. There is a giant treasure trove of high-quality stories waiting, just for you. And that's all for this article! Comments on this, or on other ways to pass the time until November? Sound off in the comments below!
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Doctor Who
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Armed with a laptop, a Pepsi, and a swivel chair, J.D. sets out to uncover the deepest secrets of the film world. Or, ya know, just write random movie-related lists. Either way....