Doctor Who: 9 Dropped Plot Threads We’ll Never Get Answers To (And 1 We Will)

2. Is Series 7 Really Out Of Order?

Henr In A Town Called Panic the Doctor references Rory leaving a charger in Henry VIII€™s bedroom. In the next episode, The Power Of Three, we see that happen. But wait, the Doctor€™s a time traveller, not a fortune teller. What€™s going on here? There€™s two theories. The episodes could have just been aired out of the scripted order leading to this slight discrepancy. But one many fans jumped onto at the time was that the episodes were purposely out of order, suggesting the first half of Series 7 was in reverse. This creates a depressing timeline where the Doctor looses Amy and Rory, but still gets some adventures with his lost friends. This theory can be furthered by suggesting the Daleks picking up the Doctor out of sync with Amy and Rory (he€™s post New York, but they€™re before it). This was a popular theory back when the series aired, but the events of The Snowmen, with the Doctor being a hermit after the events of New York suggests he immediately puts his travelling ways behind him, going against his joviality in the earlier episodes. Whatever, the case is, we never got any world confirming it either way and are still left with two episodes that don€™t make sense. Potential Solution: Episode 3 and 4 of Series 7 are the wrong way round.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.