Doctor Who An Adventure In Space And Time: 5 Things We Are Excited To See Again

3. An Unearthly Child


This will be the magical 20 minutes that kicked it all off. I refer to the first episode alone, not the whole story because that wasn€™t all that interesting. Of course the first episode was made twice, the unaired pilot and the ultimately transmitted episode, something that was completely unprecedented. How that came about and developing the magic is going to be a joy to watch. All the pre production of the programme itself lead to that point and seeing the original episode in that context is going to be incredible and show us that story in a new light. We might not get a repeat of the actual episode but we€™ll be able to meet the original characters again for the first time but I€™ll come back to this later. One of the most jaw dropping moments we will see again will be the TARDIS for the first time.

Again like The Web Planet even though they are trying to recreate those production values of the time it will still look better, so the original TARDIS will look much better than it actually did, for one thing in the tweeted pictures the part of the set that was made up of a photographic blow up with an actual wall, but I can live with that. But it doesn€™t stop it looking authentic. I haven€™t been that fond of the coral style of TARDIS décor so I was overjoyed to see the most recent overhaul.

It is going to be a breath of fresh air to see the original design of both the interior and exterior, especially that console in all its vintage glory. I wonder if that will turn up in €˜Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS€™. It€™s remarkable that once that original design was lost it was expected never to be seen again, but it will live and wheeze again as a semi authentic TARDIS set.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.