The Third Known Master (Anthony Ainley) This Master came to dominate the 1980s Who stories. He faced off against the Fifth Doctor on several occasions, including the Fifth Doctors first story, Castrovalva, and one of his list, The Planet of Fire. Gone, now, was any hint of the suave sophisticate that he was during the Third Doctors era. This Master dressed all in black, frequently wore odd disguises and was often given to cackling with evil glee in that Im so deliciously EVIL! way that some villains have. Sadly, this served only to make the character much less threatening and interesting. By the time he made his two appearances facing off against the Sixth Doctor (Mark of the Rani and the last segment of Trial of a Time Lord), hed basically become something of a joke. That changed a bit when he appeared against the Seventh Doctor in the final story of the old series. There he was a different sort of Master. He wasnt wearing the all-black outfit, and he seemed a bit more calm and calculating. Rumor has it that this is closer to how Ainley had always wanted to play the character, but hed never been given the chance. At least with this story, he went out on a high note.
Chris Swanson
Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at
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