Doctor Who: Empire Of Death Review - 7 Ups & 5 Downs

5. DOWN - Mrs Flood

Doctor Who Empire of Death
BBC Studios

Another week, another down for Mrs Flood. I'm sorry, but I can't find myself caring about this mystery, nor am I finding much to like in Anita Dobson's portrayal.

She feels like an unnecessary afterthought here, playing second fiddle to a villain that erases her with no resistance. She doesn't feel like much of a threat when the worst she can do is stand around and frighten a bedridden old woman (who, I note, still didn't get her cup of tea - please, will someone listen to poor old Cherry?).

I also find it very weird that she brazenly reveals her plan to make war on God by storming down his gates of gold and seizing his kingdom in her true name, and Cherry didn't find this noteworthy or downright flipping weird enough to mention it to anyone? I'm not a fan of the fourth wall breaking at the end either, and I'm hoping there's a payoff that justifies it later on - the whole Scary Poppins act on the rooftop didn't grab me at all, I'm sorry to say.

Doctor Who Empire of Death Mrs Flood
BBC Studios

One of the theories regarding Mrs Flood's identity is that she is in fact Clara Oswald. This theory, frustratingly, has a lot more credence now thanks to her wearing an outfit very similar to Clara's in Face The Raven, and her use of the phrase 'Clever Boy' to describe the Doctor.

I'm really hoping these are red herrings, because Clara's story ended wonderfully and an evil unhinged version of her running around would really damage that. Sadly, with Mrs Flood seemingly being teased for the Moffat-authored Christmas special, and the Moff's well-documented inability to leave characters dead, I'm more than a little concerned.

Then again, Mrs F does also paraphrase Missy in this episode.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.