Doctor Who: Every 11th Doctor Episode Ranked Worse To Best
13. The Day Of The Doctor
Steven Moffat claimed that The Day of the Doctor was the hardest episode of anything he ever had to write during his long career. Being the 50th anniversary episode you can see why, as it has to cater to the casual viewer who tuned in to see what the fuss was about while pleasing lifelong fans.
Considering the pressure bestowed upon the Moff, this episode is spectacularly epic and feels like a love letter to the fans. With a return from the beloved Tenth Doctor, the appearance of a mysterious new Doctor and an intense Dalek/Doctor/Time Lords showdown this had the makings of a great episode.
However, some aspects felt contrived or wrong. John Hurt’s War Doctor is an interesting idea but is usually just a voice to chastise the modern Doctors and whose character is an obvious replacement for Christopher Eccleston’s absent Doctor. Also the revelation that the Doctor did not destroy his people and planet during the Time War takes away completely from the PTSD-stricken Doctor that Eccleston played so well as we now know he mourned for nothing.