Doctor Who: Every Companion Ranked Worst To Best

5. Amy Pond

Doctor Who Companions

Most of the Doctor's companions are given the offer to travel aboard the TARDIS after one life-changing adventure, which is normally accepted there and then because let's be honest, who would turn that offer down?

This was not the case with Amy Pond.

A newly-regenerated Eleventh Doctor crash-landed in a seven-year-old Amy's back garden, high on regeneration energy and generally confusing the young Pond with his behaviour. After making his impression, the Doctor got back in the TARDIS and promised to return in five minutes time. Twelve years later, an older Amy finally reunites with the Doctor, helping him to stop the destruction of Earth by the Atraxi, something that seemingly cements Amy as his new companion. However, the Doctor vanished again for another TWO years, finally coming back for Amy after the TARDIS is fixed and he was comfortable with his eleventh incarnation (probably just took him that long to learn how to tie a bow tie).

Once she was aboard the TARDIS, Amy was the perfect semi-serious foil to the Doctor's perpetual childlike and general clumsy behaviour. Excited to travel the universe, Amy usually went head-first in to any and all situations, a trait that landed her in trouble more than a few times (perpetual flirting with Vincent Van Gogh, for instance). Throughout her first season, Amy did need to be saved by the Doctor several times, but this changed later on mainly because Rory was upgraded to a damsel-in-distress role, much to Amy's delight and ridiculing.

Halfway through her time on the show, it was revealed that Amy was actually the mother of River Song, and therefore, the Doctor's mother-in-law, a familial connection that seemed to confuse almost everybody, including Amy. Even if this was the case, the chemistry between Team TARDIS when it consisted of the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River was some of the best of Matt Smith's tenure. It's only a shame that we didn't get more of it than we did.

Eventually living out her days with Rory in 1930's New York, Amy Pond was nothing short of a brilliant companion; one of the finest of the modern era of the show.

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Cameron Morris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.