Doctor Who: Every Doctor's Darkest Moment

13. The Third Doctor - Shooting An Ogron In Cold Blood

Doctor Who The Waters of Mars

It's well known that the Third Doctor was always a bit handy with his fists. Generally, however, Venusian aikido was only ever used in self-defence.

The same can't be said for his handiness with an Ogron blaster in Day of the Daleks. Escaping the siege of Auderley House, the Doctor comes across two slow-moving Ogrons advancing on him.

Watching the scene as broadcast, the Doctor has plenty of time to take another route, but he chooses not to. Instead, he turns the blaster on one of the Ogrons and vaporizes the poor thing. It's a shocking moment from a character who never tires of lecturing people on the merits of pacifism.

Perhaps inspired by Star Wars' infamous "Han shot first" debate, this scene was re-edited for the 2011 special edition release. Some blaster effects were added, coming from the Ogrons' direction, to suggest that the Third Doctor was indeed firing in self-defence.

But we know the truth, don't we Doctor?

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.