Doctor Who: Every Doctor's Definitive Seasons

The Eleventh Doctor: Series 6

Doctor Who The Wedding Of River Song the Doctor Matt Smith

Series 6 built upon the success of Series 5, pushing Doctor Who into a new era of popularity, which ultimately took the show oversea to America. The show felt much grander in scale, incorporating a more heavy approach to storytelling, similar to how an American drama would be formatted. This was apparent with Steven Moffat's integral mystery boxes, which were seeded into every episode, building up to a grand reveal, before the series took a break during the Summer, before returning in the Autumn.

We were also enlightened with a lot of the mysteries from Series 5, namely why someone was trying to kill The Doctor. This was due to a terrible battle that will occur in The Doctor's own personal future, and a religious group known as the Silence wished to prevent him from reaching this moment in history. What resulted was an elaborate (if extremely convoluted) plot revolving around brainwashing River Song to murder The Doctor at a location that would instil a fixed position in time.

It became more complicated when River's identity revealed she was actually the offspring of Amy and Rory. Adding more insult to injury, it meant that they didn't get to raise their own child, given the Silence stole her as a baby, before putting young Melody Pond through a gruelling upbringing. It's quite bleak when you think about it, especially when Amy nearly killed her own child, and then wasn't aware that her best friend growing up was a regenerated version of her future child. Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey!

Furthermore, it's a series that really tests the Eleventh Doctor, as it's shown how far he's come, and not necessarily in a good way. He's now feared across the universe, and is able to destroy an entire fleet, whilst making an army bow before him. With all his years of travelling, and his reputation during the Time War, the word 'Doctor' had seemingly lost its original meaning, and his foreknowledge of death due to his future actions, made him rethink his way of life, inevitably forcing him back into the shadows, whilst the universe slowly forgets who he is.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.