Doctor Who: Every Doctor's Definitive Seasons

The Ninth Doctor: Series 1

Doctor Who Christopher Eccleston Dalek Close

Despite having only one season to talk about, the Ninth Doctor certainly left behind one hell of a legacy, and holds one of the most definitive seasons within the Time Lord's long history on screen. First off, it was the grand return of the show, after being off the air for fifteen years (minus its brief return in 1996 with The TV Movie). Secondly, it introduced many important elements that would go on to define The Doctor's character for years to come.

Namely, the revelation that The Doctor was now the last surviving member of the Time Lords, after the events of the Time War. This caused The Doctor to become a much more emotional character, filled with deepening depth of sorrow, bitterness, and even aggression. Furthermore, the Ninth Doctor was ashamed of himself and what he had done in the Time War.

Series 1 delves into this deep, meaningful character arc, and builds the Ninth Doctor up throughout the course of the episodes. He goes from being a lonely survivor, filled with regret, and post traumatic stress disorder, to someone who finally sees hope again, and has found a reason to go on living, as well as finally atoning for his sins by being the better man (ultimately becoming The Doctor once more).

There are so many astonishing moments throughout Series 1, alongside distinctive stories that really define who the Ninth Doctor was. Dalek, in particular, shows off the raw anger that The Doctor now holds against the Daleks, but he comes to understand just how far he's fallen in the process. Then there's the beautiful moment in The Doctor Dances where he manages to win a battle without a single drop of blood, putting a huge smile on his face, and granting him a huge step towards redemption.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.