Doctor Who: Every Doctor's WORST Episode

12. Second Doctor - The Krotons (1969)

Doctor Who Tenth Doctor Rose Tyler Fear Her

It’s safe to say that the BBC did not learn anything from the First Doctor era’s production woes. You’d think they would be willing to give one of their most popular shows a little more money. Even just enough so that the backdrops don’t always look as though they’re seconds away from toppling over.

But, sadly, the BBC are not renowned for their great decision-making skills when it comes to Doctor Who and so we get episodes like The Krotons.

First of all, the two alien races in this story – ‘Gonds’ and ‘Krotons’ – sound like something a child would come up with if you asked them to write a Doctor Who episode. And they were thought up by Robert Holmes of all people, one of the greatest screenwriters the show ever had. Was he feeling alright the day he submitted these scripts?

The plot itself is almost too boring to put into words, consisting of The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe running around quarries for ninety minutes until the cardboard suited bad guys are finally blown up.

It’s utterly phoned in Doctor Who and it still manages to boast the highest ever audience figures for a Second Doctor story. Insanity.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.