Doctor Who: EVERY NuWho Villain And Monster Ranked Worst To Best

122. Ice Warriors

Doctor Who villains
BBC Studios

Appear in: Empress of Mars.

The Ice Warriors' second outing in NuWho pretty much follows the same pattern as Series 7's Cold War, only this time they're battling Victorian soldiers in the caverns of Mars, instead of Russians on a Soviet submarine.

The Ice Queen Iraxxa awakens after an unintentionally prolonged 5000-year hibernation and is immediately confronted by understandably terrified humans, one of which fires a shot at her, leading to a confrontation with the rest of the British troops who continue to remain hostile under the command of Captain Neville Catchlove.

Iraxxa, in turn, revives more Warriors for battle. However, like Grand Marshal Skaldak, she reveals her compassionate side in sparing Colonel Godsacre's life, who saved hers from the clutches of Catchlove. Afterwards, Alpha Centauri rescues Iraxxa and her crew, to mark the start of the Martian Golden Age.

That's all lovely, but after seeing the Ice Warriors emerging underground and firing weapons that contort people into cubes, what would be truly epic is a battle royale featuring them, the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the Sontarans, and many more.

There you go Russell, another idea for a spinoff - Doctor Who: Battleworld!

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.