Doctor Who: EVERY NuWho Villain And Monster Ranked Worst To Best
175. Hawthorne
Appears in: The Beast Below.
The Demon Headmaster in Doctor Who! Sadly, Terence Hardiman is given little to do as Hawthorne, who was in charge of the Smilers and Winders on Starship UK, a spaceship that temporally housed the entire population of England, Wales and Northern Ireland until Earth became habitable again after solar flares had roasted the planet. A spaceship that was being driven through space by a star whale, but by means of torturous electric shock.
Although Hawthorne did look contrite at the end when Amy Pond released the star whale from its unendurable agony, he did try to feed it children for heaven's sake, and as he wore a black cloak you'd half expect him to say "the greater good".