Doctor Who: Every Regeneration Ranked From Worst To Best

10. The Sixth Doctor (Time And The Rani)

The much-maligned Colin Baker years of Doctor Who came to an end in 1986 when the BBC relieved the actor of his duties. As a result of his firing, the story of Baker's regeneration is as interesting as it is controversial.

Instead of making the switch at the end of a serial - as had been tradition up to that point - the change from the Sixth Doctor to the Seventh Doctor was done at the beginning of the 1987 story Time and the Rani.

Here, the TARDIS is shot down by a villainous Time Lady, and crash-lands on the planet Lakertya. The Doctor perishes as a result of the crash, and his face alters under a colourful swirl of energy.

Baker himself had left the show at this point, so his part was played by Sylvester McCoy in a blonde wig. You really couldn't make this up.

It might have been chaos behind the scenes, but the onscreen regeneration was actually quite exciting. The special effects on the TARDIS crash have aged like warm milk, but they must have been thrilling for audiences at the time.

Not a terrible regeneration - but not a great one either.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.