Doctor Who: Every Regeneration Reviewed (And Our Hopes For The Next One)

The Eleventh Doctor...

11th Doctor So there you have it. Nine regenerations for ten doctors. The best regenerations are those with the right mix of emotion, epic-ness and shock value. Here€™s my list of best to worst. Are they yours? 1. The Ninth Doctor 2. The Fifth Doctor 3. The Third Doctor 4. The Tenth Doctor 5. The Second Doctor 6. The Fourth Doctor 7. The First Doctor 8. The Seventh Doctor 9. The Sixth Doctor And on to the next regeneration. What am I looking for? Well, after the doom and gloom of the Tenth Doctor, I don€™t want another depressing descent into death. Certainly not at Christmas. I love the Christmas specials, from the brilliant ChristmasInvasion to the all style and no substance Voyage Of The Damned. They€™re all fun, with the exception of The End Of Time. For me, the Christmas special I would want the Eleventh Doctor€™s finale to emulate most would be last year€™s The Snowmen. It had some great humour in Strax, Vastra and Jenny (I€™ve said it before, spin off please!), fearsome baddies for the kiddies in the snowmen, rollicking action moments and an emotional shock with Victorian Clara€™s death€I€™m sure many thought, like myself, that she was the companion who was going to accompany the Doctor for the remainder of series seven. I want a great baddie. I€™ve heard the Daleks might be back and I€™m kind of okay with that if they really do become a force to be reckoned with this time. And Daleks in the snow sounds quite cool. Even if it is something new, I€™m fine with that too. Moffat creates great baddies. Just make them a threat so powerful that it is completely believable that the Eleventh Doctor isn€™t going to escape this episode alive. doctor who Make the Eleventh Doctor accepting of his death. I want a bittersweet, noble end like the Third, Fourth or Fifth. I want the Doctor t be sad but accepting of his impending regeneration. The Doctor isn€™t dying€that€™s what I found annoying about the Tenth€™s regeneration most€the Doctor still lives on. I want shocks. It€™s always difficult when you know the episode in which the regeneration is happening. In this day and age I would love a regeneration to be a surprise but accept, somewhat grudgingly, that it won€™t happen. Think back to the end of The Stolen Earth. If the Tenth Doctor had regenerated then, shot by the Dalek and dying in the arms of Donna, Rose and Jack€that would have been the best regeneration ever. In the Christmas episode I want to be thrown sideways emotionally. Moffat can do it. He€™s done some very clever things in the past. Be clever with this regeneration. And that€™s it really. Matt Smith is always brilliant to watch. I€™ve no doubt that he€™ll deliver everything and more when it comes to his swansong. Clara is a strong companion€ considering her connection to past Doctors through her actions in The Name of The Doctor, she€™s the perfect companion to bridge doctors and I€™m sure Jenna-Louise Coleman (Or is it just Jenna Coleman now?) will deliver too. Though€I€™m still in denial. I want another series. Is there still time to change Matt Smith€™s mind?

A writer for Whatculture since May 2013, I also write for and am the TV editor and writer for . I wrote two plays for the Greater Manchester Horror Fringe in 2013, the first an adaption of Simon Clark's 'Swallowing A Dirty Seed' and my own original sci-fi horror play 'Centurion', which had an 8/10* review from Starburst magazine! ( I also wrote an episode for online comedy series Supermarket Matters in 2012. I aim to achieve my goal for writing for television (and get my novels published) but in the meantime I'll continue to write about those TV shows I love! Follow me on Twitter @BazGreenland and like my Facebook page